Broadbent Law Blog

Why a Google Search is Not Enough

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When faced with a legal issue, the first step many people take is to turn to Google. A quick search, and BOOM! all your questions have answers. Right? Wrong! While you questions may seem simple, often times there are sub-issues that are not apparent to a layperson.

When you meet with a lawyer, the lawyer will look at at the entire issue to ensure that all aspects of your situation are properly addressed. Online forums like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Rocket Lawyer, Legal Zoom, Avvo may be able to provide a basic, initial answer, but none of these forums are able to provide the in-depth analysis of an attorney. Without the expertise of an attorney, there may be significant issues that are left unaddressed. This could result in major issues down the road that could have been prevented.

The law is continuously changing. It’s a lawyer’s job to stay on top of these changes and advise clients accordingly. There are no guarantees the information you find online is current or accurate.

While the cost of hiring an attorney may be scary, many attorneys are willing to work within a client’s budget. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations, and the courts can provide a list of attorneys who are able to provide services under the Limited Assistance Representation program. So, please, the next time you have a legal question, please consult an attorney, not Google.


This blog was written by Attorney Catherine Taylor and is intended solely for informational purposes. This does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship.

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